

I discovered someone wrote me a check on a closed account. Then I went to the post office and my credit card was declined... turns out it was on hold for fraud. Someone tried to charge a $3000 security system on it.

I didn't pay bounced check fees since I thought to verify funds on this person and my credit card company had put a hold on my account so no more false charges could be made. In the scheme of things I was blessed. Still ... I feel a little violated.

Read John 10:1-5. We are at war, they are coming over the wall to get us! Don't ever forget it. Put on the full armor of the Lord every morning!


Philosophy of Christian Principals

Have you ever been asked to develop your own philosophy on a topic? You know you have one but you never really thought about how to put it on paper? Let me challenge you to do just that. I am currently writing a paper on my personal philosophy of Christian Education.

Something you might want to think through is your own philosophy of Christian living.

For example, how do you handle marginal issues in the "secular" world with your Christian lifestyle? I am not talking about the clearly right and wrong issues - I mean those that either Scripture does not directly address or that could be viewed differently depending on your perspective.

At what point have you compromised your Christian values?

Try putting that on paper!



The tragedy at Virginia Tech, the needless loss of life, brings home how temporary this world is. We have no promise of another day. Have you shared your faith with the people important to you or have you been waiting for tomorrow? Don't wait any longer.



For some strange reason my instructors at school think if I am going to develop Christian education programs that I should be able to teach them as well. I am not so sure I agree with that logic, but regardless, I will be teaching a Bible study lesson to my class in 2 weeks.

I have decided to teach on listening. A bit of a double meaning since I am an audiologist by trade..haha. The scriptures are James 1:19 and Psalm 116:1-2. Here are some of the discussion questions:

1. What is it like to be a good listener?
2. What do you appreciate about being listened to?
3. How is listening to a friend like how God listens to us?

Be still and listen for God ... He is just waiting for you to ask Him to speak.


More Time or Better time?

Sorry I have been quiet this week but you know how your life can get busy with all the little things. My week has been like that ... work, school, chamber, Rotary, and of course, church. Busy is good when it is productive but busy just to be busy is not good.

Last night as a group of us shared before praying the comment was made about devotional time. That person said they needed more time in prayer. My thought was not MORE time but BETTER time.

When you sit and pray or study Scripture where is your focus? Are you already thinking of the 100 things you have to do that day or is your focus on the Lord. I think for me my focus has been off center a bit this past week. Was good to be reminded where I need to keep my gaze. How about you?



Good Friday

It's Friday. By this time Christ was already nailed to the cross. The sky was dark as the Son of God hung there suffering not only the anguish of the world's sins but also the temporary separation from His Father. He will soon be dead.

Put into a tomb that belonged to another His fate was cast. His followers bewildered by the events scattered.

Fearful someone would steal the body and claim Jesus had risen from the dead Roman soldiers were told to stand guard over the tomb. Isn't it ironic that the only people that thought He might return were the very people that killed him?

Christ had told the disciples that like Jonah in the belly of the big fish for 3 days He would be gone but would return.

Things fell silent on Saturday. What will Sunday morning bring?


Self Righteous

Heard a great sermon this evening. It was based on the "lost" parables. You know, the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. I must have heard preachers talk on the prodigal son passage more than a dozen times, but I never heard it like this! Turns out it isn't about the lost son at all ... it's about the amazing grace of the father .. or more specifically the Father.

The concluding points were for self examination. Am I like either of the two sons? Am I unrighteous? Am I self righteous? I pray I am no longer unrighteous, but must confess there are times I am self righteous.

How about you? Been on your knees lately?

I think I will head there right now....