We had a good group show up for prayer at City Hall this morning. Had to bring in extra chairs and people were sitting in a big circle. I asked for prayer concerning the Rotary issue and the request to remove Jesus from our prayers.
When we had finished, one of the pastors from town said why she thought it was OK to pray to God the Creator and not identify Him as the God of Christianity. After a brief exchange we all agreed it was a discussion for another time and we departed.
This pastor followed me out the front door trying to explain her view. I told her she would never get me to change my mind. That I will proclaim the gospel message, as loud as I can, until the day God takes me home. Even then I've left instructions for the gospel message to be given at my funeral !
If you ever want to know how deep your faith runs have someone challenge it. The more she told me all the worlds religions were equal, that the Bible is in error, and that there is a way to God other than through Jesus Christ the more committed I became to the cause of Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
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