I read an amazing prayer today. It is recorded in Psalms 77. This guy named Asaph calls out to God in a very transparent, authentic and desperate way. After a few lines of intense honesty, the world “Selah” appears. Most of you probably know that the “Selah” in the Psalms is a musical term that signifies a rest or a pause. They are placed there to signify a sacred moment of silence.
We have so many of those in life; sacred moments of silence. Sometimes they are moments of joy and sometimes moments of complete sorrow. I remember visiting a friend in the hospital just moments after his daughter was born. He just held her, unable to say anything. It was indeed a sacred moment! Selah!
About 6 months ago a good friend of mine Molly Reed passed away. I remember standing there with all her family and friends waiting on the doctors update. We learned she had passed away. Just after learning that life shattering news, Mallory showed up. Mallory was one of Molly’s best friends and someone that I consider a daughter. My wife Ashley filled her in on everything that had happened. By time Mal reached the fifth floor where I was, our eyes met and she walked quickly toward me. We embraced, tears flowing, not saying one word. Selah. Another sacred moment.
Some of the most amazing times in our life, whether sorrowful or full of Joy, are signified by our silence. As we look back, we can be thankful for all the great moments we have experienced and filled with gratitude to God for bringing use through the sorrowful ones.
Maybe you have been overwhelmed with the circumstances of life. Isn’t it awesome that we can be still before the Lord, humbled in His greatness, overwhelmed with His goodness, and sustained by His grace.
Psalm 77
12 I will meditate on all your works
and consider all your mighty deeds.
13 Your ways, O God, are holy.
What god is so great as our God?
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