I received a call today from a friend. His step-father is dieing and he is headed home for the funeral. His step-father has lived a full life and his immanent death didn't come as a surprise. Since they don't know how much longer he will live my friend will plan to be there for several days.
Nobody likes to think about death. We especially don't like to think about our own death. It's a little scary that we do not know the day or hour it will happen. We might go to sleep some evening never to wake up. We might be driving down the road and a car hits us with no warning. Anything could happen at any time so people need to prepare. I know I have a will made out and even have outlined what I would like for a funeral service.
There is something else to consider too. Christ's return. I don't know the day or hour it will happen. In the blinking of an eye Christ will come for His bride and we will be gone.
I'm preparing for that day too. First, I have accepted Christ as my Savior. I know I am a sinful creature and without His atoning blood I would spend eternity in hell. I also know that on that day, I see Him face to face, I do not want to show up empty handed. When I lay my crown before Him I want it filled with many jewels to give Glory to the Lord.
I don't know if death will take my life before the Lord arrives, but either way, I know I am prepared.
Have you been making plans?
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