
Some things in Scripture don't need commentary, explanations, or elaboration; they just need to be spoken and believed. I encourage you to memorize this short passage of praise and keep it close to your heart, and let it come from your lips during all your times of difficulty as well as times of bounty and blessing.

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!… For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen." -- Romans 11:33-36


I was inspired and challenged by a recent article I read called “If your church disappeared, would anyone even notice?” As I thought about this question it became more personal. If I were to disappear would anyone even notice? That is, am I making an impact on my community that would be missed if it stopped? It is this personal ministry of each individual Christian that must impact our community!

For me, the question has also become, are we as the women of Hillcrest making any difference? If we disappeared would it make a difference in the school system, at sporting events, in civic organizations or local businesses? Do we impact the lives of others for the cause of Christ?

The activity of the church within the community is not limited to the organized programs of the church. It is each and every Christian “loving their neighbor as themselves.” Corporately and individually, we must reach out to our communities!


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. -- Isaiah 41:10

O God, you are my God, and I long to bring you honor and glory. Please stir my courage to live victoriously and passionately for you. I trust that as I display your character and live for your glory that you will strengthen and uphold me by your mighty presence within me and by your mighty arm of grace around me.

In you I have placed my hope.


Revelation of God

God reveals Himself to me in new and wondrous ways each day. How I saw Him yesterday is not how I will see Him tomorrow. Each day is a new opportunity to draw closer to my Lord.

General revelation seems to be an obvious way for God to show Himself. It relates to an awareness of God through natural events and surroundings. It accounts for the inner awareness of a power greater than us. General revelation is one way God has revealed Himself to me.

It was last fall, when the leaves were changing colors and the air was crisp that God let me see His glory. I was driving east, early one Wednesday morning, to meet a group for prayer. I make that same drive every Wednesday and my mind is usually rehearsing the devotional I will give or the scripture that the message is based upon. That morning was no different.

As I glided along the road I noticed a glow to the sky. When I looked up, I gasped at the scene before me. The colors were more vivid than I had ever seen. The swirling pattern looked like the fingers of God reaching toward earth. I slowed the car to spend time just looking at the magnificence of God’s creation.

When I arrived for prayer, I explained to the group that I wanted to change from the prepared text. Instead, I asked them to turn to Genesis and we read the creation account. I told them about God’s attempt to reach me that morning and they all quietly listened. Then one gentleman said, “I saw it too.” He shared his experience which was much like my own.

By the time we finished our prayer most of us had cried a few tears. The over-whelming presence of the Lord was more than we could contain. Our prayers were more about praising God than making requests of Him. We were moved to a level of reverence, not by anything I said, but by the gift God had given us that day. I had no doubt that morning that, not only is there a God, but that He wanted to communicate with me.

For the next example I need to turn the clock back to the early 1980’s. I was in my mid-twenties and had my first job out of graduate school. I had grown up attending church regularly, but I never studied the Bible beyond the Sunday morning quarterly, if that. My revelation of God had been limited to exposure during church and prayer before our evening meal at home. That was all about to change.

I attended Odessa Bible Church and Craig, the Pastor, had a special interest in his young single adults. We met once a week for Bible study and discussion. We explored scripture and he showed us how to apply the things we were reading to our lives. I began to read the Bible on my own for the first time. God revealed Himself to me through scripture.

I remember how I would come across a passage I had heard many time before, but I saw with such clarity a personal meaning now. The words were no longer just ink on the page, but they were being written in my heart. God became real to me through that time of study. God spoke to me through His Word. It was a special revelation, provided through the events of the singles study that brought me to a place of submitting my life to Christ.

Now, fast forward to the summer of 2006 when Dallas Baptist University required me to take New Testament Survey. My instructor was also my Associate Pastor and a man I greatly revere. I was determined to do well in his class and spent many hours in prayer and study of the gospels.

During that time, I felt a connection with God that I had never experienced. For the first time I knew what pray without ceasing meant (1 Thessalonians 5:17). It was not that I was on my knees all day, but rather I was in an attitude of prayer all day. I began to hear His voice clearly (John 10:27). God had reveled Himself to me through prayer.

The final illustration is more tangible. I made a measurable request of God and He responded. It is a simple, but powerful testimony to the power of God. I own my own practice and when I began ministry work I was not sure how to manage both. I took my experience with prayer and the Word and trusted God to be faithful to His Word (Deuteronomy 7:9). He would not have called me to this place if He did not have a way to provide. I gave my practice to the Lord knowing His answer may
be to let it die. I was willing to accept His will. I will celebrate my 12th anniversary this July.

God has revealed Himself to me through nature, scripture, prayer and miracles. Using both general and special revelation God has made His presence known. Through this revelation has made me a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). Both my word and actions have been changed by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit working through me, to be an example of the living Jesus Christ, and to ultimately bring honor to God the Father.


Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a
man's character, give him power. -- Abraham Lincoln


The national anthem of hell is, "I Did It My Way."


God examines both rich and poor, not according to their lands and houses, but according to the riches of their hearts.
-- St. Augustine of Hippo


The difference between perseverance and obstinancy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.
-- Henry Ward Beecher