
You Make a Difference

So you think one person can't make a difference? You think people really don't notice the witness you put out there every day? Let me tell you .. they do notice and one person can make a difference.

OK, before we begin I acknowledge I go to Chicken Express to much. I go there most days to get ice tea. It 's on the way to school and close to the office so I admit I am a "regular".

There is one young lady there that works the window and we exchange a few words when I pay for my tea. Today, she frowns at me and asks "What's wrong?" I respond with a "Huh?" She said "You are usually so happy and smiling."

OK, where is the V8 juice because I just got hit in the head!

I smiled, told her I was sorry, that indeed I am happy. I had let the problems of the day get the better of me, but I appreciated her reminding me that my joy is in the Lord. I asked her if she knew that kind of joy? We were able to chat for just a few moments, but it started a conversation that I hope to continue as I visit that business.

There is a lesson to this story. I had been a blessing to this young woman by sharing a loving spirit with her over many months. She had come to count on a smile and kind word from me. She recognized something was different in me. When that 'light' she had seen was dim it gave me a chance to be "salt" and share the flavor of being a Christian. There are difficult days - but we can still rejoice in our salvation.

Never under estimate the impact you make on a person.
Always look for the opportunity to share the gospel.

One person can make a difference!

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners will be converted to You.
Psalm 51:12

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