
Just Friends?

My friend Cathy is in love, unfortunately, I don't think the feeling is returned by John. In most relationships one person loves more than the other, but they are both in love. In this case I think John cares about Cathy, he may even love her, but he is not in love with her. He enjoys her company and they do activities together, but when it comes down to it ... John will eventually walk away for his true love.

As I was watching John this morning, sitting with another women, it made me think about my relationship with Jesus. Do I really love Him or do I just enjoy His company at times? At the end of my day will I walk off with the other things in my life? Which do I love more - Jesus or the things of this world like popularity, sensual pleasures, and wealth? Am I in love with the Lord or are we just friends?

How about you?

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