
Just Visiting

I know I said I was taking a break but I just had to tell you about this morning.

Prayer at City Hall was amazing today. There were only 8 of us but it was the power prayers there - like it was planned or something. We lifted the concerns of the city to our Father and I know He will not only hear, He will provide.

I also had 2 people tell me, independent of each other, that "God is going to use you in a great way." Seems odd that they would both say it this morning. I know God uses everyone, and in whatever fashion that is, it greatly helps the kingdom. But, I think they are talking about something different.

I have been given the next 5 months for some reason. Rest and time to reflect are high on my agenda for them. Perhaps this is the time I more clearly see where all this is heading. Pray for clarity.

It was a beautiful day in the Lord. Praise Him in all things great and small.

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