

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

You would think the phrase "spending time with God" would bring a great anticipatory feeling of pleasure. Yet many of us respond to those words with a groan. We get caught up in wondering if we know how to do it right or if we are spending the right amount of time with God. When we were baby Christians or going through a crisis we wanted to spend every moment with Him, but maybe now that desire is not as strong.

I think it helps to remember that just as God ordained seasons in nature, He ordains seasons in our lives. Those seasons play a role in our devotional time with Him.

As a young woman, I recall being taught to have a quiet time that consisted of reading Scripture, praying, and writing a few words in a journal about what I was thinking. That model worked very well as I was first beginning to study God's word and to have regular conversations with Him. Later, I felt I needed more time with my Savior and committed to spending at least two hours each day in prayer and study. Then came a season filled with a demanding job, graduate school, and other activities. My time with God frequently consisted of me staring at the wall saying "Help". God seemed to always understand and to say, "That's OK, just sing to Me." So I did. In my current season I most enjoy sitting outside under the stars, at rest, knowing God is there with me.

Here is the point: Spending time with your God is not about "doing", it's about "being." Being a child with your loving Father. Being a sinner with your gracious Redeemer. Being a weeping weakling with the Lifter of your head. Just being with God and enjoying the pleasure of His company while He enjoys the pleasure of yours, whatever season you are in.

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