

It was more than 35 years ago that A. W. Tozer said, "Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible." He penned that line long before e-mail, the Internet, 500-channel TV, and the addition of other "time-saving" technologies began to rob us of so much of our time.

But it is not just electronic obstacles and modern complexities that hinder the devotional life. More often than not, the biggest hindrance to establishing an intimate time with God is not something outside of ourselves. It's our own reluctance to choose to spend time in prayer and Bible reading.

So, how do we go about attempting what seems to be impossible? First, we must confess our failure to make time for God. Second, we need to recognize that spending time with God is essential for our spiritual lives. It should be as vital to us as making sure we get enough food every day. Third, we must develop a plan. In Psalm 5:3, for example, we see that David scheduled special time with God in the mornings.

With those concepts in mind, shut out the complex world around you and open your heart to the incredible joy that comes from devoting yourself to the Lord. You can do what seems impossible.

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