
You want me to do what?

We just finished a missions conference at my church.  The final sermon was on four types of evangelism: intercession, relational, service, and proclamation.  The idea was that we are all called to be a witness, but we are not all called to do it in the same way. 
For people who don’t have the spiritual gift of evangelism, the word witness can stir up some unpleasant memories or paralyzing anxieties. In fact, I felt like a complete failure when I tried to follow the FAITH method that was designed to make witnessing easier!

Jim Henderson, author of Evangelism Without Additives: What if Sharing Your Faith Meant Just Being Yourself? suggests just being yourself is the best way to share the Gospel.  The authentic story of the work Christ has done in our lives is the best testimony we have.  When we tell the truth about Christ’s power to save us and keep us from sin, our testimony will be credible.

If the thought of taking classes has kept you from witnessing, try a different approach: be yourself!  Like the blind man Jesus healed, simply say, “Though I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25).

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