Christians, at their best, know that often they don't know.They do not have all the answers. They do not have God in their pocket. We cannot answer every question that any bright boy in the back row might ask. We have only light enough to walk by. -- Howard A. Johnson
He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of theLORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will live securely, for then His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And He will be their peace. -- Micah 5:4-5
Selah - by luke
I read an amazing prayer today. It is recorded in Psalms 77. This guy named Asaph calls out to God in a very transparent, authentic and desperate way. After a few lines of intense honesty, the world “Selah” appears. Most of you probably know that the “Selah” in the Psalms is a musical term that signifies a rest or a pause. They are placed there to signify a sacred moment of silence.
We have so many of those in life; sacred moments of silence. Sometimes they are moments of joy and sometimes moments of complete sorrow. I remember visiting a friend in the hospital just moments after his daughter was born. He just held her, unable to say anything. It was indeed a sacred moment! Selah!
About 6 months ago a good friend of mine Molly Reed passed away. I remember standing there with all her family and friends waiting on the doctors update. We learned she had passed away. Just after learning that life shattering news, Mallory showed up. Mallory was one of Molly’s best friends and someone that I consider a daughter. My wife Ashley filled her in on everything that had happened. By time Mal reached the fifth floor where I was, our eyes met and she walked quickly toward me. We embraced, tears flowing, not saying one word. Selah. Another sacred moment.
Some of the most amazing times in our life, whether sorrowful or full of Joy, are signified by our silence. As we look back, we can be thankful for all the great moments we have experienced and filled with gratitude to God for bringing use through the sorrowful ones.
Maybe you have been overwhelmed with the circumstances of life. Isn’t it awesome that we can be still before the Lord, humbled in His greatness, overwhelmed with His goodness, and sustained by His grace.
Psalm 77
12 I will meditate on all your works
and consider all your mighty deeds.
13 Your ways, O God, are holy.
What god is so great as our God?
We have so many of those in life; sacred moments of silence. Sometimes they are moments of joy and sometimes moments of complete sorrow. I remember visiting a friend in the hospital just moments after his daughter was born. He just held her, unable to say anything. It was indeed a sacred moment! Selah!
About 6 months ago a good friend of mine Molly Reed passed away. I remember standing there with all her family and friends waiting on the doctors update. We learned she had passed away. Just after learning that life shattering news, Mallory showed up. Mallory was one of Molly’s best friends and someone that I consider a daughter. My wife Ashley filled her in on everything that had happened. By time Mal reached the fifth floor where I was, our eyes met and she walked quickly toward me. We embraced, tears flowing, not saying one word. Selah. Another sacred moment.
Some of the most amazing times in our life, whether sorrowful or full of Joy, are signified by our silence. As we look back, we can be thankful for all the great moments we have experienced and filled with gratitude to God for bringing use through the sorrowful ones.
Maybe you have been overwhelmed with the circumstances of life. Isn’t it awesome that we can be still before the Lord, humbled in His greatness, overwhelmed with His goodness, and sustained by His grace.
Psalm 77
12 I will meditate on all your works
and consider all your mighty deeds.
13 Your ways, O God, are holy.
What god is so great as our God?
Journal Notes
I keep a journal of events that mark changes in my walk with Christ. I use it as my mile marker - so I know if I am moving forward, standing still, or going backwards.
One of the things in the journal is an October 2005 entry for when I decided to call Mike Simmons my Pastor. For me it is more than just a title - it's a position of authority. It was significant that I trusted a man enough to call him by that name.
Another entry marks the first time I was introduced as a "religious" leader in the community. It was at CrossRoads Covenant Church. I was humbled to be introduced to the church along with the Mayor and school district superintendent.
I've even noted my first invitation to pray for a group where I was not a member.
But, not everything is positive. I also included the time I used scripture to hurt someone I love and did it publicly. I cried for hours at the realization of what I had done. On top of that, he came to me to apologize for making me upset enough to do that! Was a powerful lesson in humility and love that I will never, ever forget.
Then there is yesterday. What made it a mile-marker? Well, partly it is the recognition by other people of what I did. I have received several phone calls and emails from people saying how they appreciate that I stood up for Christianity and even more so for not backing down when pushed. I surprised myself even when I realized I was standing on the front steps of City Hall loudly proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord! It was the first public assault on my faith and I survived the test.
These events will soon fade into my memory, but I will have this record of what happened, how the Lord met my ever need, and blessed this path He has set me on.
"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3
One of the things in the journal is an October 2005 entry for when I decided to call Mike Simmons my Pastor. For me it is more than just a title - it's a position of authority. It was significant that I trusted a man enough to call him by that name.
Another entry marks the first time I was introduced as a "religious" leader in the community. It was at CrossRoads Covenant Church. I was humbled to be introduced to the church along with the Mayor and school district superintendent.
I've even noted my first invitation to pray for a group where I was not a member.
But, not everything is positive. I also included the time I used scripture to hurt someone I love and did it publicly. I cried for hours at the realization of what I had done. On top of that, he came to me to apologize for making me upset enough to do that! Was a powerful lesson in humility and love that I will never, ever forget.
Then there is yesterday. What made it a mile-marker? Well, partly it is the recognition by other people of what I did. I have received several phone calls and emails from people saying how they appreciate that I stood up for Christianity and even more so for not backing down when pushed. I surprised myself even when I realized I was standing on the front steps of City Hall loudly proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord! It was the first public assault on my faith and I survived the test.
These events will soon fade into my memory, but I will have this record of what happened, how the Lord met my ever need, and blessed this path He has set me on.
"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3
In God We Trust
We had a good group show up for prayer at City Hall this morning. Had to bring in extra chairs and people were sitting in a big circle. I asked for prayer concerning the Rotary issue and the request to remove Jesus from our prayers.
When we had finished, one of the pastors from town said why she thought it was OK to pray to God the Creator and not identify Him as the God of Christianity. After a brief exchange we all agreed it was a discussion for another time and we departed.
This pastor followed me out the front door trying to explain her view. I told her she would never get me to change my mind. That I will proclaim the gospel message, as loud as I can, until the day God takes me home. Even then I've left instructions for the gospel message to be given at my funeral !
If you ever want to know how deep your faith runs have someone challenge it. The more she told me all the worlds religions were equal, that the Bible is in error, and that there is a way to God other than through Jesus Christ the more committed I became to the cause of Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
When we had finished, one of the pastors from town said why she thought it was OK to pray to God the Creator and not identify Him as the God of Christianity. After a brief exchange we all agreed it was a discussion for another time and we departed.
This pastor followed me out the front door trying to explain her view. I told her she would never get me to change my mind. That I will proclaim the gospel message, as loud as I can, until the day God takes me home. Even then I've left instructions for the gospel message to be given at my funeral !
If you ever want to know how deep your faith runs have someone challenge it. The more she told me all the worlds religions were equal, that the Bible is in error, and that there is a way to God other than through Jesus Christ the more committed I became to the cause of Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Give Others Their Due - Worship Only God
The Apostle Paul wrote about the Christian’s duty to the government (Romans 13:1-7). He said everyone should submit to governing authorities, because God had instituted them. The ruler was God’s servant to do good. The Apostle Peter said believers should submit themselves to governing authorities “for the Lord’s sake” (1 Peter 2:13-17).
But obedience to God qualified their obedience to the government. Jesus said they were to give God what was God’s. Their ultimate obedience belonged to the Lord. Acts 4:19 records that when ruling authorities commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, they said, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.” The entire book of Revelation is about the effort of the Roman government to enforce the worship of Caesar on its people. The book admonished believers to reserve their worship for God alone, even if it cost them their lives.
What does this mean to us today? Part of “giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s” is participating in the worldly process. If you want to be fully involved in taking the gospel to the "tax-collectors and sinners" then you must be out among them. This involvement can include Rotary, Chamber of Commerce activities, sports, and other community projects. But, you need to be careful that you don’t sacrifice the gospel in the process. Commitment to Christ and his message must come first.
What can you do? You can be a good citizen by submitting to governing authorities and obeying the law, as long as these duties don’t conflict with your obedience to God. You can put Christ first in all things, and when Christ and your organization or activity conflict, side with Christ. Be wary of efforts to co-opt Christianity.
Finally, you can remember that the kingdom of God comes by the proclamation of the gospel, not by merely calling yourself a Christian.
Modified from Right or Wrong? by the T.B. Maston Chair of Christian Ethics at Hardin-Simmons University's Logsdon School of Theology.
But obedience to God qualified their obedience to the government. Jesus said they were to give God what was God’s. Their ultimate obedience belonged to the Lord. Acts 4:19 records that when ruling authorities commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, they said, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.” The entire book of Revelation is about the effort of the Roman government to enforce the worship of Caesar on its people. The book admonished believers to reserve their worship for God alone, even if it cost them their lives.
What does this mean to us today? Part of “giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s” is participating in the worldly process. If you want to be fully involved in taking the gospel to the "tax-collectors and sinners" then you must be out among them. This involvement can include Rotary, Chamber of Commerce activities, sports, and other community projects. But, you need to be careful that you don’t sacrifice the gospel in the process. Commitment to Christ and his message must come first.
What can you do? You can be a good citizen by submitting to governing authorities and obeying the law, as long as these duties don’t conflict with your obedience to God. You can put Christ first in all things, and when Christ and your organization or activity conflict, side with Christ. Be wary of efforts to co-opt Christianity.
Finally, you can remember that the kingdom of God comes by the proclamation of the gospel, not by merely calling yourself a Christian.
Modified from Right or Wrong? by the T.B. Maston Chair of Christian Ethics at Hardin-Simmons University's Logsdon School of Theology.
Hang Over Without The Buzz
I feel like I have a hang-over this morning... my eyes are puffy, my head hurts, and I woke up thirsty. (Yes, I know what a hang-over feels like!) It's not fair to have the morning after when you didn't get to enjoy the buzz the night before! Only thing I can think that caused it is that I got blind-sided by a couple of things last night and it took a while for the impact to set in.
First, I some how ended up on the Rotary board of directors again. I had offered to "help" with membership but ended up as Co-Chairman of the committee with Curt Krohn. At least he is a planner like me so we will work well together ... but I have really be wanting to limit civic activities to make more time for ministry. I suppose the civic activity is a part of my ministry.
Then came the big one. Our new President announced that when the District Governor comes to visit our club we will do an "interfaith" prayer. Now, I understand that I can't demand that other people pray in Jesus' name - but I should not be expected to pray to the "spirit in the sky" either. I am not real sure how I will balance being politically correct with being the kind of Christian I know I should be. And my faith will win over political correctness every time.
I'll be reading Scripture and looking for answers the next few days. I'll let you know how the Holy Spirit leads.
First, I some how ended up on the Rotary board of directors again. I had offered to "help" with membership but ended up as Co-Chairman of the committee with Curt Krohn. At least he is a planner like me so we will work well together ... but I have really be wanting to limit civic activities to make more time for ministry. I suppose the civic activity is a part of my ministry.
Then came the big one. Our new President announced that when the District Governor comes to visit our club we will do an "interfaith" prayer. Now, I understand that I can't demand that other people pray in Jesus' name - but I should not be expected to pray to the "spirit in the sky" either. I am not real sure how I will balance being politically correct with being the kind of Christian I know I should be. And my faith will win over political correctness every time.
I'll be reading Scripture and looking for answers the next few days. I'll let you know how the Holy Spirit leads.
Pray For Me
I received another invitation to pray today. I've been invited to pray during the women's conference at New Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas. The theme of the conference is "Developing Women in the Spirit of Excellence".
I am both honored and humbled. Pray that I prepare myself before stepping in front of these groups of people. That I spend time in private conversation with my Lord before making a public address. May they hear His words and not my own.
I am both honored and humbled. Pray that I prepare myself before stepping in front of these groups of people. That I spend time in private conversation with my Lord before making a public address. May they hear His words and not my own.
You Want Me To Pray Where?
Ok, I got a call from Tina tonight asking me to do the invocation for the Rotary Installation banquet. I immediately thought of what Bob told me almost 2 years ago ... "Never pass on an opportunity to take people into the presence of the Lord." So I cheerfully said "Of Course!"
That was when she said "Oh good, neither Curt or Bob are going to the dinner." So, she knew they were not going, which would make me what...third choice? Hummmm...
At the end of our conversation Tina said she needed to call someone else to do the pledge. I laughed and said Wait! I didn't know I could just do the pledge!
Her response to me was worth everything I have been going through these past few weeks, she said "But this is your calling. This is what you're supposed to do." Wow, suddenly the late nights, hard work, and frustrations melt away.
We both enjoyed a good laugh and I will certainly pray on Thursday night. I will miss my two favorite DeSoto pastors (Curt & Bob), but I guess I should say thank you to them because it gives me an opportunity to share my faith with people who do not personally know our Jesus.
That was when she said "Oh good, neither Curt or Bob are going to the dinner." So, she knew they were not going, which would make me what...third choice? Hummmm...
At the end of our conversation Tina said she needed to call someone else to do the pledge. I laughed and said Wait! I didn't know I could just do the pledge!
Her response to me was worth everything I have been going through these past few weeks, she said "But this is your calling. This is what you're supposed to do." Wow, suddenly the late nights, hard work, and frustrations melt away.
We both enjoyed a good laugh and I will certainly pray on Thursday night. I will miss my two favorite DeSoto pastors (Curt & Bob), but I guess I should say thank you to them because it gives me an opportunity to share my faith with people who do not personally know our Jesus.
Miracles of Jesus
I'm writing a paper on the miracles of Jesus for class.
Have you ever considered how many are recorded in Scripture?
Turning water into wine (John 2:1-11)
Healing of a nobleman's son (John 4:46-54)
Delivering a man in the synagogue from demonic spirits (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37)
Healing Peter's mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39; Matthew 8:14-15)
The first of two nets of fish and the calling of His first disciples (Luke 5:1-11)
Cleansing a leper (Mark 1:40-45; Matthew 8:1-4)
Healing a paralytic (Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 9:2-8; Luke 5:17-26)
Healing of the man at Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Healing a man with a withered hand (Luke 6:6-11; Matthew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-5)
Healing the Centurion's servant (Luke 7: 1-10; Matthew 8:5-13)
Raising the widow's son (Luke 7:11-16)
Casting out a dumb and blind spirit (Luke 11:14-26; Matthew 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30)
Calming a storm (Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:18-27; Luke 8:22-25)
Healing a man possessed by demons at Gadara (Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28; Luke 8:26)
Healing a woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56)
Raising Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43)
Healing of two blind men (Matthew 9:27-31
Casting out a spirit (Matthew 9:32-34)
Feeding 5,000 with five loaves and two fish (John 6:1-14; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:32-44; Luke 9:10-17)
Walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33; John 6:15-21; Mark 6:45-52)
Delivering the Syrophoenician's daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
Healing a deaf and dumb man (Mark 7:31-37)
Feeding another 4,000-plus (Mark 8:1-10; Matthew 15:32)
Healing the blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26)
Casting demons out of a lunatic boy (Mark 9:14-29; Matthew 17:14-21; Luke 9:37-42)
Pulling a coin from the mouth of a fish (Matthew 17:24-27)
Healing a man born blind (John 9:1-41)
Healing a woman with an 18-year infirmity (Luke 13:10-17)
Healing a man with dropsy (or edema) (Luke 14:1-6)
Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-46)
Cleansing of ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
Healing blind Bartimeaus (Mark 10:46-52)
Cursing the fig tree (Mark 11:12-26)
Healing of Malchus' ear (Luke 22:49-51) A second net of fish (John 21:1-12
Given the reality of a supernatural creator, the gospel accounts of the miracles of Jesus are very reasonable. Some believe these texts were inspired by God himself. However, whether or not you personally hold them in such high esteem, at the very least the gospels represent four separate historical accounts written by four individual authors who, according to secular criteria, independently document historical events.
So ask yourself… Would someone who was willing to suffer and die a horrible death in defense of the Scriptures be guilty of corrupting those very same Scriptures? That's crazy! And if that person did corrupt the Scriptures (or even allowed them to be corrupted) that would mean he knowingly suffered and died for a lie! It's just human nature... No one suffers and dies for a known lie! OK, maybe one lunatic, but not a whole group of eye-witnesses...!
To state it simply ... I believe.
Have you ever considered how many are recorded in Scripture?
Turning water into wine (John 2:1-11)
Healing of a nobleman's son (John 4:46-54)
Delivering a man in the synagogue from demonic spirits (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37)
Healing Peter's mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39; Matthew 8:14-15)
The first of two nets of fish and the calling of His first disciples (Luke 5:1-11)
Cleansing a leper (Mark 1:40-45; Matthew 8:1-4)
Healing a paralytic (Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 9:2-8; Luke 5:17-26)
Healing of the man at Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Healing a man with a withered hand (Luke 6:6-11; Matthew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-5)
Healing the Centurion's servant (Luke 7: 1-10; Matthew 8:5-13)
Raising the widow's son (Luke 7:11-16)
Casting out a dumb and blind spirit (Luke 11:14-26; Matthew 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30)
Calming a storm (Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:18-27; Luke 8:22-25)
Healing a man possessed by demons at Gadara (Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28; Luke 8:26)
Healing a woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56)
Raising Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43)
Healing of two blind men (Matthew 9:27-31
Casting out a spirit (Matthew 9:32-34)
Feeding 5,000 with five loaves and two fish (John 6:1-14; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:32-44; Luke 9:10-17)
Walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33; John 6:15-21; Mark 6:45-52)
Delivering the Syrophoenician's daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
Healing a deaf and dumb man (Mark 7:31-37)
Feeding another 4,000-plus (Mark 8:1-10; Matthew 15:32)
Healing the blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26)
Casting demons out of a lunatic boy (Mark 9:14-29; Matthew 17:14-21; Luke 9:37-42)
Pulling a coin from the mouth of a fish (Matthew 17:24-27)
Healing a man born blind (John 9:1-41)
Healing a woman with an 18-year infirmity (Luke 13:10-17)
Healing a man with dropsy (or edema) (Luke 14:1-6)
Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-46)
Cleansing of ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
Healing blind Bartimeaus (Mark 10:46-52)
Cursing the fig tree (Mark 11:12-26)
Healing of Malchus' ear (Luke 22:49-51) A second net of fish (John 21:1-12
Given the reality of a supernatural creator, the gospel accounts of the miracles of Jesus are very reasonable. Some believe these texts were inspired by God himself. However, whether or not you personally hold them in such high esteem, at the very least the gospels represent four separate historical accounts written by four individual authors who, according to secular criteria, independently document historical events.
So ask yourself… Would someone who was willing to suffer and die a horrible death in defense of the Scriptures be guilty of corrupting those very same Scriptures? That's crazy! And if that person did corrupt the Scriptures (or even allowed them to be corrupted) that would mean he knowingly suffered and died for a lie! It's just human nature... No one suffers and dies for a known lie! OK, maybe one lunatic, but not a whole group of eye-witnesses...!
To state it simply ... I believe.
Pastor Epps
I had a new experience this morning.
I attended a Baptist church where it was not only acceptable to dance for the Lord - we were encouraged to do so! We were clapping our hands and swaying to the music. It was great. As the pastor got into his sermon I noticed the organ was playing along with him. I think it had been like that all along I just didn't notice because it blended so well. It was a great sermon on prayer.
It was raining this morning when I arrived at the church. I was gathering up my things when I noticed a man standing outside my window with a large umbrella. There were several men in the parking lot with large umbrellas walking people to the church door. Very cool.
This morning was a chance to see a different church culture. It wasn't a white/black thing as much as it was a God thing. Thank you Pastor Epps for a memorable morning with you and our Lord.
I attended a Baptist church where it was not only acceptable to dance for the Lord - we were encouraged to do so! We were clapping our hands and swaying to the music. It was great. As the pastor got into his sermon I noticed the organ was playing along with him. I think it had been like that all along I just didn't notice because it blended so well. It was a great sermon on prayer.
It was raining this morning when I arrived at the church. I was gathering up my things when I noticed a man standing outside my window with a large umbrella. There were several men in the parking lot with large umbrellas walking people to the church door. Very cool.
This morning was a chance to see a different church culture. It wasn't a white/black thing as much as it was a God thing. Thank you Pastor Epps for a memorable morning with you and our Lord.
Going Public
I had one of those Jesus moments yesterday. Uh huh, it was one of those situations where you have only a moment to decide "Do I admit I am a Christian or do I let it slide?" Now, a lot of people will tell you they are a Christian. That is not such a big deal in America. What I am talking about is telling someone I have devoted my life to Christ and that I would like to share with them how they can too. Aah, now you get it.
I was at an audiology training meeting and ran into a woman I had gone to graduate school with back in the early 1980's. (Go ahead and do the math ... I'm old). Anyway, we were chatting and she asked about what I am doing now. I told her about work and Rotary and chamber activities. Then I took that deep breath - the pregnant pause as they say - and told her the rest of the story.
"You want to do what?"
It was an honest question and I tried to explain why I was willing to give up prestige and perceived power to do work where I don't get paid, well, not in money anyway. We exchanged telephone numbers and made plans to meet again so we can visit and continue our discussion.
A divine appointment? I don't know, but it was certainly an opportunity that I am glad I did not let slip away.
I was at an audiology training meeting and ran into a woman I had gone to graduate school with back in the early 1980's. (Go ahead and do the math ... I'm old). Anyway, we were chatting and she asked about what I am doing now. I told her about work and Rotary and chamber activities. Then I took that deep breath - the pregnant pause as they say - and told her the rest of the story.
"You want to do what?"
It was an honest question and I tried to explain why I was willing to give up prestige and perceived power to do work where I don't get paid, well, not in money anyway. We exchanged telephone numbers and made plans to meet again so we can visit and continue our discussion.
A divine appointment? I don't know, but it was certainly an opportunity that I am glad I did not let slip away.
Psalms of Another Kind
I will walk by faith ... even when I cannot see.
We say true beauty comes from the inside ...
I'm gonna be a beauty
What you see ain't what you get 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet
How many roads did I travel ... how long ... how far ...
And all you ever wanted was me on my knees singing Holy Holy
Yes, the road is narrow, but whoever remains shall not die
Please seek instructions before leaving Earth
I can only imagin
Keep on shining
How can I keep from singing your praise
How can I ever say enough,
How amazing is your love.
How can I keep from shouting your name,
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing.
Make me.. take me .. break me .. I am pierced
Make me Lord Jesus ..
Take me Lord Jesus ..
Break me Lord Jesus
Your name is matchless .. Your name is more than I could know
You are the way, the truth, the life
David didn't have anything on poets of the 21st century!
We say true beauty comes from the inside ...
I'm gonna be a beauty
What you see ain't what you get 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet
How many roads did I travel ... how long ... how far ...
And all you ever wanted was me on my knees singing Holy Holy
Yes, the road is narrow, but whoever remains shall not die
Please seek instructions before leaving Earth
I can only imagin
Keep on shining
How can I keep from singing your praise
How can I ever say enough,
How amazing is your love.
How can I keep from shouting your name,
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing.
Make me.. take me .. break me .. I am pierced
Make me Lord Jesus ..
Take me Lord Jesus ..
Break me Lord Jesus
Your name is matchless .. Your name is more than I could know
You are the way, the truth, the life
David didn't have anything on poets of the 21st century!
You Make a Difference
So you think one person can't make a difference? You think people really don't notice the witness you put out there every day? Let me tell you .. they do notice and one person can make a difference.
OK, before we begin I acknowledge I go to Chicken Express to much. I go there most days to get ice tea. It 's on the way to school and close to the office so I admit I am a "regular".
There is one young lady there that works the window and we exchange a few words when I pay for my tea. Today, she frowns at me and asks "What's wrong?" I respond with a "Huh?" She said "You are usually so happy and smiling."
OK, where is the V8 juice because I just got hit in the head!
I smiled, told her I was sorry, that indeed I am happy. I had let the problems of the day get the better of me, but I appreciated her reminding me that my joy is in the Lord. I asked her if she knew that kind of joy? We were able to chat for just a few moments, but it started a conversation that I hope to continue as I visit that business.
There is a lesson to this story. I had been a blessing to this young woman by sharing a loving spirit with her over many months. She had come to count on a smile and kind word from me. She recognized something was different in me. When that 'light' she had seen was dim it gave me a chance to be "salt" and share the flavor of being a Christian. There are difficult days - but we can still rejoice in our salvation.
Never under estimate the impact you make on a person.
Always look for the opportunity to share the gospel.
One person can make a difference!
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners will be converted to You.
Psalm 51:12
OK, before we begin I acknowledge I go to Chicken Express to much. I go there most days to get ice tea. It 's on the way to school and close to the office so I admit I am a "regular".
There is one young lady there that works the window and we exchange a few words when I pay for my tea. Today, she frowns at me and asks "What's wrong?" I respond with a "Huh?" She said "You are usually so happy and smiling."
OK, where is the V8 juice because I just got hit in the head!
I smiled, told her I was sorry, that indeed I am happy. I had let the problems of the day get the better of me, but I appreciated her reminding me that my joy is in the Lord. I asked her if she knew that kind of joy? We were able to chat for just a few moments, but it started a conversation that I hope to continue as I visit that business.
There is a lesson to this story. I had been a blessing to this young woman by sharing a loving spirit with her over many months. She had come to count on a smile and kind word from me. She recognized something was different in me. When that 'light' she had seen was dim it gave me a chance to be "salt" and share the flavor of being a Christian. There are difficult days - but we can still rejoice in our salvation.
Never under estimate the impact you make on a person.
Always look for the opportunity to share the gospel.
One person can make a difference!
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners will be converted to You.
Psalm 51:12
Where is the Church?
Don't Just Go To Church ... Be The Church
When someone asks you "Where is the church?"
Do you point to the building or to your heart?
When someone asks you "Where is the church?"
Do you point to the building or to your heart?
New Christians
We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. -- 2 Thessalonians 1:11
Paul prayed for God to be active in the lives of new Christians -- to maximize the good they intend to do as well as fully bless every good deed they do out of their commitment of faith.
What new Christian do you need to pray this for?
Paul prayed for God to be active in the lives of new Christians -- to maximize the good they intend to do as well as fully bless every good deed they do out of their commitment of faith.
What new Christian do you need to pray this for?
When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God. -- Luis Palau
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