
Going Public

I had one of those Jesus moments yesterday. Uh huh, it was one of those situations where you have only a moment to decide "Do I admit I am a Christian or do I let it slide?" Now, a lot of people will tell you they are a Christian. That is not such a big deal in America. What I am talking about is telling someone I have devoted my life to Christ and that I would like to share with them how they can too. Aah, now you get it.

I was at an audiology training meeting and ran into a woman I had gone to graduate school with back in the early 1980's. (Go ahead and do the math ... I'm old). Anyway, we were chatting and she asked about what I am doing now. I told her about work and Rotary and chamber activities. Then I took that deep breath - the pregnant pause as they say - and told her the rest of the story.

"You want to do what?"

It was an honest question and I tried to explain why I was willing to give up prestige and perceived power to do work where I don't get paid, well, not in money anyway. We exchanged telephone numbers and made plans to meet again so we can visit and continue our discussion.

A divine appointment? I don't know, but it was certainly an opportunity that I am glad I did not let slip away.

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